player scene
main level scene
const bullet_scene: PackedScene = preload(“res://bullet.tscn”)
func _on_player_shoot(pos: Vector2) → void:
var bullet = bullet_scene.instantiate()
bullet.position = pos
To me this should be spawning the bullets on the player but instead they spawn at the origin point
Try setting the position before you add_child
No still puts it at the origin point.
Try to print what you get in “pos” variable in_on_player_shoot function, just to check value.
Also may try this, instead of last line:
bullet.global_position = pos
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Your player scene emits the global position, but your handler places the bullets in the local position.
Use bullet.global_position = pos
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Maybe unrelated, but this solved my problem with a child spawner node, where its children would clamp to that spawners relative position instead of to the global viewport position. I didn’t know you had to differentiate for child nodes. But changing the clamping code from
position = position.clamp(Vector2(0, 0), screen_size)
global_position = global_position.clamp(Vector2(0, 0), screen_size)
solved the issue.