Objects not spawning on android

Godot 4.3

The game works well on PC but objects won’t spawn in Android

the code:

func generateobs():
	#generate ground obsticles
	if obsticles.is_empty() or lastobs.position.x < score + randi_range(10,50):
		var obs_type = obsticleTypes[randi() % obsticleTypes.size()]
		var hardObs = hardObsTypes[randi() % hardObsTypes.size()]
		var obs
		var max_obs = difficulty + 1
		for i in range(randi() % max_obs + 1):
			obs = obs_type.instantiate()
			var obs_height = obs.get_node("Sprite2D").texture.get_height()
			var obs_scale = obs.get_node("Sprite2D").scale
			var obs_x : int = screenSize.x + score + 1000 + (i * 100)
			var obs_y : int = screenSize.y - groundHeight - (obs_height * obs_scale.y/2) + 5
			lastobs = obs
		#random drone chance
		if difficulty == MaxDifficulty:
			if (randi() % 2) == 0:
				obs = Drone.instantiate()
				var obs_x : int = screenSize.x + score + 100
				var obs_y : int = droneHeight[randi() % droneHeight.size()]
				for i in range(1):
					obs = hardObs.instantiate()
					var obs_height = obs.get_node("Sprite2D").texture.get_height()
					var obs_scale = obs.get_node("Sprite2D").scale
					var obs_x : int = screenSize.x + score + 1000 + (i * 100)
					var obs_y : int = screenSize.y - groundHeight - (obs_height * obs_scale.y/2) + 5
					lastobs = obs

func AddObs(obs,x,y):
		obs.position = Vector2i(x, y)

Thank you for your time