On_input_event does not Register Mouse Clicks. Goes straight to unhandled_input

Godot Version



Hey everyone so something in my Project seems to be blocking Mouse Input_events or something.

I have a Area3D node with a CollisionShape3D attached to it. I have connected the input_event signal to a script to detect when the player clicks on the Sphere(CollisionShape3D). However this event doesnt fire no matter what.


Here is the Empty Scene i created. This way Ive ruled out any control Node or something overlapping blocking Mouse Input.

I have this code on the Main Node:

func _on_input_event(_camera, event, _position, _normal, _shape_idx):
	print ("input event recieved")
	if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT:
		print("Mouse left button clicked on sphere!")
func _unhandled_input(event):
	if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT:
		print("Mouse click unhandled input")

When Running the scene, the only debug that fires when Clicking the mouse is print(“Mouse click unhandled input”).
Ive tried this exact setup in a entirely New Godot Project and it works fine with input_event recognizing the Sphere!
So It is definetly something in my Project and I just don’t know what it is.
The Scene is completly empty with nothing apparent blocking the Input.
The input_event signal is propperly connected.
Also, The normal input() function does fire. I do not have any Global Singletons affecting anything to do with the Mouse.
Since this issue occurs in a empty scene im stumped on how to figure out what to do.
Thanks for any help.

P.s.: I’ve created a simple RayCast to fire from mouse Clicks and print a log when hitting a collider, The Ray does not ever hit the collider. Prints “Nothing hit” when clicking on the CollisionShape

I found the culprit and Fixed it!
It wasn’t anything weird at all:

Object picking in the Project Settings was disabled…
That setting is not exclusive to the Object…
Now It’s on and it works normally.