Opaque_to_polygons breaks physics 2D

Godot Version



Runtime calculated CollisionPolygon2D breaks RigidBody2D?

I have a RigidBody2D with a 32x32 sprite, I calculate collisions on _ready() using the BitMap method “opaque_to_polygons”, the body then proceeds to move by its own as soon as it collides with a StaticBody (ground), accelerating and decelerating in random ways.
It moves the same way every time the scene is played

extends RigidBody2D

@onready var image = $Sprite2D.texture.get_image()

var width := 32
var height := 32

func _ready():

func gen_polygon():
	for child in get_children():
		if child.get_class() == "CollisionPolygon2D":
	var bitmap = BitMap.new()
	var polys = bitmap.opaque_to_polygons(Rect2(Vector2(), $Sprite2D.texture.get_size()), 0.6)
	for poly in polys:
		var collision_polygon = CollisionPolygon2D.new()
		collision_polygon.polygon = poly
		collision_polygon.position = -bitmap.get_size()/2

How to reproduce:
Create RigidBody2D node, give it a Sprite2D and use the same script as the one above.

Settings of the RigidBody are default ones
Also, removing the script does remove the unexpected movement

did you fix it? i have same problem but nobody know about how to fix it. everybody just acting they know something with stupid more questions but still they know nothing.

man i found to way fix it.
other men are still know about nothing while act they know.

try to write this new lines
to rigidbody2d node.

default is 0 so auto mode thats why mass gonna be weird