Particles - Best Practice Question (very quick!)

Let’s say you have a bullet, falling rock, thrown bomb, etc. that upon collision explodes into particles via Godot’s GPUParticle3D Node.

Is it better to:

  1. have the the GPU Particle Node embedded within the bullet, falling rock, thrown bomb that is activated upon a detected collision; or

  2. upon a detected collision, have a signal emitted out that is heard by some GameManager that adds the particle node/scene to the correct global position of that object?

Thank you!

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I prefer this method. The object should be in charge of it’s own particles.


Adding to gertkeno’s answer: If you want to re-use particle effects (e.g. same debris effect for different types of bullets hitting a wall), you can also put them into a scene that gets instantiated by the bullet on impact.

If you want the bullet to queue_free on impact, the bullet can still instantiate the effect scene and add it to the scene tree via add_sibling. That way, you still have a self-contained bullet but can free resources (e.g. physics objects) as soon as they are no longer needed.


Thank you both! Very helpful feedback. Definitely a good use case for an object pooler too.