I am building a small 2D village-management game. In my design there will be a multitude of villagers assigned to particular production buildings, service buildings etc. I want to implement a pathfinding algorithm, so that the villagers will navigate around buildings and not collide with one another.
I was thinking on using the navigation layers on my tilemap, however when I have a ground tile that is passable and a building tile on top which is not, the pathing algorithm declares that tile as passable.
If I were to use the NavigationRegion/NavigationPolygon and Agents for villagers I am not sure how to change the navigable area when a building is placed. Is it possible to somehow “subtract” from a NavigationPolygon?
you have to rebake the navmesh to have it consider new buildings. For big maps you probably want to do a chunk system so you dont have to rebake the whole mesh
I followed the second tutorial, however I encounter an issue. When I set up an object with StaticBody2D parent in GUI and draw the initial navigation outline by hand, it works just fine. However, when I add a new object to the scene (also set up as a StaticBody2D with collider and set in the relevant group) and try to rebake the navigation mesh, The collision area does not change.
This is the code for the NavigationRegion2D object:
extends NavigationRegion2D
func _ready():
var new_navigation_mesh = NavigationPolygon.new()
var bounding_outline = PackedVector2Array([Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(0, Grid.total_map_size.y), Vector2(Grid.total_map_size.x, Grid.total_map_size.y), Vector2(Grid.total_map_size.x, 0)])
navigation_polygon = new_navigation_mesh
func bake():
func _on_building_list_placed(building): ### Connects when a building is placed in the scene
Thi sprobably has to do with the SourceGeometryMode.
I think right now you have selected groups. Are you sure the new building is inside the “navigation” group?
I restarted the editor and had the same setup and now it works O.o
Thanks for all the help!
EDIT: No it doesn’t I forgot to turn off my “hacky” solution -.-
When buildings are placed, we have very nice obstruction outlines: [(561, 176), (625, 176), (625, 256), (561, 256), (561, 176)]
But, the shown polygon did not change. I was at a complete loss.
HOWEVER, when I added queue_redraw() to the bake() function, the polygons got updated. I have no idea why this happens, shouldn’t the editor automatically redraw the polygons?