Pathfinding with procedural generation

Godot Version



Many of the tutorials I have watched on pathfinding include using a navigation layer, however I do not know how to implement it with a tilemap that has been procedurally generated.

This involves baking the navigation mesh at runtime. A good place to start is here: Using navigation meshes — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English

Here’s an older thread that discusses the topic:

Here’s another one that covers a basic implementation: Using NavigationRegion2D, NavigationPolygons, and TileMaps - #11 by oncoremarco

Basically since your tilemap is procedurally generated, the navigationmesh will have to be procedurally generated as well. A navigation mesh can be created either by baking it with the help of the NavigationServer2D, or by adding vertices and convex polygon indices arrays manually. See NavigationPolygon — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English

I have an implementation in 3d that generates the navigationmesh from vertices and polygons. and it works.

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Thanks for replying. I have created a navigation mesh (I think) using the NavigationPolygon through code. Does this mean I can now follow a pathfinding tutorial and it should (hopefully) work?

Adding onto to this, is there any where to view the Navigation mesh in game for debugging purposes?

This is my current code, where a path is formed, but it goes through walls and tiles:

extends Node2D

var borders = Rect2(1, 1, 152, 82)

signal player_location(spawn_position)
@onready var tileMap = $TileMap
const Spawner = preload("res://enemy_spawner.tscn")
var navigation_mesh: NavigationPolygon
var region_rid: RID

func _ready():
	navigation_mesh =
	region_rid = NavigationServer2D.region_create()
	NavigationServer2D.region_set_enabled(region_rid, true)
	NavigationServer2D.region_set_map(region_rid, get_world_2d().get_navigation_map())
	NavigationServer2D.region_set_navigation_polygon(region_rid, navigation_mesh)

func generate_level():
	var walker =, 41), borders)
	var map = walker.walk(1000)
	for location in map:
		tileMap.erase_cell(0, location)
	var player_position = map.front() * 16 
	var spawner = Spawner.instantiate()
	spawner.position = walker.get_end_room().position * 16
	var used_tiles = tileMap.get_used_cells(0)
	for tile in used_tiles:
		tileMap.erase_cell(0, tile)
	tileMap.set_cells_terrain_connect(0, used_tiles, 0, 0)
func setup_navigation_mesh(map):
	# Create navigation mesh vertices based on the walker path
	var vertices := PackedVector2Array()
	var indices := PackedInt32Array()
	var tile_indices := []
	# Generate vertices from the procedural map data
	var index = 0
	for location in map:
		var position = location * 16  # Assuming tile size is 16x16
		var top_left = position
		var top_right = position + Vector2(16, 0)
		var bottom_left = position + Vector2(0, 16)
		var bottom_right = position + Vector2(16, 16)
		tile_indices.append(index + 1)
		tile_indices.append(index + 2)   
		tile_indices.append(index + 3)
		index += 4  # Move index forward by 4 for the next tile
		#index += 1
	# Set the vertices for the navigation mesh
	navigation_mesh.vertices = vertices

	# Set the navigation region with the created navigation mesh
	NavigationServer2D.region_set_navigation_polygon(region_rid, navigation_mesh)

func reload_level():

func _input(event):
	if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"):

func set_player_spawn(spawn_position : Vector2):
	emit_signal("player_location", spawn_