Godot Version
Good afternoon, how are you?
I’m having a problem with my drag and drop system here. Whenever an area is on top of another Area2D, when i click on it, i drag two objects instead of one.
The code I created was this one I’m using to move the heart parts:
extends Node2D
var can_drag:bool
var offset:Vector2
func _on_area_touch2d_input_event(viewport: Node, event: InputEvent, shape_idx: int) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.is_action("tap") && event.is_pressed():
offset = get_global_mouse_position() - global_position
can_drag = true
elif event.is_action("tap") && event.is_released():
can_drag = false
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
if can_drag:
global_position = get_global_mouse_position() - offset
func _ready() -> void:
$AreaTouch2D.connect("input_event", _on_area_touch2d_input_event)
Does anyone know how I can drag only the object I’m clicking on and lock all the other objects around it (which in this case are parts of the heart)? Please?
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The game thinks you are clicking on both objects.
I would use a static
variable to track the dragged item, only picking up a object if the static is null. Also try set_physics_process
instead of a variable to disabled the function.
static var picked_item: Node2D
func _on_area_touch2d_input_event(viewport: Node, event: InputEvent, shape_idx: int) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if picked_item == null && event.is_action("tap") && event.is_pressed():
offset = get_global_mouse_position() - global_position
picked_item = self
elif event.is_action("tap") && event.is_released():
picked_item = null
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
global_position = get_global_mouse_position() - offset
You should have a look at Viewport.physics_object_picking_first_only.
This setting allows you to indicate that only a single node in the viewport should receive the input_event
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Thank you so many, I did what you said and it worked! I didn’t even know about the existence of static variables in godot.
extends Node2D
static var target_part:Node2D
var can_drag:bool
var offset:Vector2
func _on_area_touch2d_input_event(viewport: Node, event: InputEvent, shape_idx: int) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.is_action("tap") && event.is_pressed() && target_part == null:
offset = get_global_mouse_position() - global_position
target_part = self
can_drag = true
elif event.is_action("tap") && event.is_released():
target_part = null
can_drag = false
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
if can_drag:
global_position = get_global_mouse_position() - offset
func _ready() -> void:
$AreaTouch2D.connect("input_event", _on_area_touch2d_input_event)
static variables are pretty new! I think 4.2
I figure from the &&
you may be familiar with static
from another language.