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Its really hard to explain so i had to use recording. How do i make a sprite2D that is an body of enemy tank look in the direction where it is going.
I am using NavigationAgent2D.
Please help
Its really hard to explain so i had to use recording. How do i make a sprite2D that is an body of enemy tank look in the direction where it is going.
I am using NavigationAgent2D.
Please help
meybe , you dont need to NavigationAgent2D .
just this code is enough.
var target :Vector2() #This is where you want it to look
# use a function here like :
func procces(delta):
Sorry i didnt post video. This is what i meant, one sprite is looking at the player and the second sprite2D is body of the enemy.I want to body rotate based on direction of the PathFinding
I understand; but unfortunately I don’t know how to do it either; however I have an idea.
You can rotate the body based on speed and direction of movement , instead.
var velo = Vector2(0,0)
if velo.x > 0 :
rotation = 90
elif velo.x < 0 :
rotation = -90
if velo.y > 0 :
rotation = 180
elif velo.y < 0 :
rotation = 0
and you can change numbers if this has issue
I kind of complexified @zoopira’s last snippet, feel free to adapt this at your will. I still have to warn you that I wrote this purely based on what I understood in NavigationAgent2D — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English and Vector2 — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English.
extends ... class_name Enemy
@export var cannon_sprite: Sprite2D # the sprite from which the bullet appears
@export var body_sprite: Sprite2D # the "moving" part of the tank
@export var nav: NavigationAgent2D # for tracking next position
@export var old_direction := Vector2.RIGHT # change it to wherever the bot's facing initially, used only for the body
var target_pos: Vector2 # updated by your code, as the video shows, used only for the cannon
# Better than in _process, since we're handling rotations that could impact collisions, etc.
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
var next_pos := nav.get_next_path_position()
if next_pos != old_direction:
var angle := old_direction.angle_to(next_pos)
body_sprite.rotation += angle
old_direction = next_pos
If rotation is done when needed but not how it is needed, maybe we’ll have to tweak the angle’s assignment to fix. Let me know how this works! ^^
That works just fine, thanks guys for helping me out!
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