Push/Pull Mechanic causes sprite Jitter, also forces slight position offset

Godot Version



So, I have been having problems with jittering sprites, I have fixed it thanks to the help from this community. However, now I am trying to implement another aspect of movement, which is pushing/pulling objects. This is a grid based movement game, so with that I decided that you would activate pushing an object, and then be able to move around with it.

I have it so the item will be moved around by the player, however, the sprite doesn’t perfectly follow the player, and there is a lot of sprite jitter. I am wondering if anyone can point me in a better direction to implement my pushing/pulling methods. Here is the code I have atm for implementing a basic push/pull system.

Another unintended consequence is that the push/pull also causes the players sprite to get knocked off the 32 pixel grid slowly, so after a few movements it is a few pixels off the original 32 pixel grid.

extends Area2D
# Objects code that will be being pushed

@export var pushable = true
@export var walkable = true
var being_pushed : bool
var obj_pushing : Node2D
var facing_dir : Vector2

func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
	if being_pushed:
		global_position = obj_pushing.global_position.round() + facing_dir

func update_push(is_pushed:bool,obj:Node2D) -> void:
	being_pushed = is_pushed
	obj_pushing = obj
	if being_pushed:
		facing_dir = _find_facing()
		facing_dir = Vector2.ZERO

# Finds where the object is in relation to player
func _find_facing() -> Vector2:
	return global_position - obj_pushing.global_position
extends Node2D
# Movement code
enum {NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST} # Matches player direction enums

var move_dist : int = 32 # Clarity for what the number is used for
var move : bool

func _move(player:Node2D,dir:int) -> void: # Controls players movement
	var target_pos = player.position

	match dir:
			target_pos.y -= move_dist
			target_pos.y += move_dist
			target_pos.x -= move_dist
			target_pos.x += move_dist

	target_pos = target_pos.round()
	player.position = player.position.round()

	var tween = create_tween()
	tween.set_trans(Tween.TRANS_LINEAR)  # Use linear interpolation
	# Ensure movement happens in physics process
	# Move to target position
	tween.tween_property(player, "position", target_pos, player.speed)
	# Handle movement completion
		if player.state == player.State.MOVE:
			player.state = player.State.IDLE
		elif player.state == player.State.PUSH_MOVE:
			player.state = player.State.PUSH

So, I figured out the solution.

Since I was using a tween to move the player, I just created another tween and ran in parallel with it.

I added the calculation for the offset of the object in relation to player and added that to the target destination.

No more sprite shakes or causing the player to get moved a few extra pixels.

Now to detect collisions for the new object that I have attached to my player!

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