Question of Sprite Issues

Godot Version



(Posted this to reddit but also asking here for a wider perspective)
Hey! I’m having some odd issues with pixel’s kind of “pulsing”? I don’t know the correct word for it.


I don’t really know what could be causing this but I can detail all the current settings I have. I’m assuming it could be something with aspect ratio since on some frames the sprite is correct and on some its like squished.





These are all the settings I think I have edited since the start of this project. Let me know if you need anything else and I can try and add it. Pixel correctness still confuses the heck out of me so I am a little lost.
Any help is appreciated!

I’m not quite sure what is causing this exact type of “pulsing”. Was a bit hard to evaluate in the GIF without the option to pause it or play it back slower. But here are some things that might fix it, if you haven’t set those up in your project yet.

Under “Rendering → Texture”, change “Default Texture Filter” to “Nearest”. This will prevent pixel art from being blurred when not exactly aligning with the pixel grid.

And under “Rendering → 2D”, enable “Snap 2D Transforms to Pixel”, which will prevent your 2D objects from misaligning with the pixel grid in the first place. You need to enable “Advanced Settings” in the top right corner of the project settings window to see this option.

Even if they don’t fix the problem, they are good practices for pixel art projects.
Hope they help. :>