Quick Question: Is there a way to edit input maps

Godot Version



Is there a way to edit input maps through scripts?
I’m making an Settings Menu so I want to have an editable text box or something like that that updates lets say “jump” to whatever is inside of it.

(it would have to detect that " " is “spacebar”)

Yes, check the docs: InputMap — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English

@matheusmdx Sorry I honestly dont understand anything in that wiki

This is the official docs, but if you don’t understand you can search for a video tutorial, but for you question the answer is the same, yes, is possible

If you won’t want to do it from scratch, I’d recommend using addons like Nathan Hoad’s fantastic Input Helper
which help you a lot with making rebindable inputs in your game.

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@phazorknight ill look into that later thanks