Godot Version
Godot 4.3
This is really bugging me. So as it goes im writting a script where im tryna pass through a custom Resource (Cards) in which will allow me to be able to assign values onto each new card instance. But for some reason when I try getting the values that has been pass through from the resource the path itself gets passed through but none of the data assigned to it does. Which it gives me this error:
Invalid access to property or key ‘outline_texture’ on a base object of type ‘Resource(Cards)’
So here’s the script that’s causing the issue:
extends Control
@onready var outline_texture_display : TextureRect = $VisualUI/Outline
@onready var background_texture_display : TextureRect = $VisualUI/Background
var card_ability
var card_ability_description
func assign_card_values(card_resource : String):
var loaded_path = load(card_resource)
print("Resource Path: ", loaded_path.resource_path)
# Directly access the resource properties
if loaded_path.outline_texture != null:
outline_texture_display.texture = loaded_path.outline_texture
print("Assigned outline texture: ", loaded_path.outline_texture)
print("Error: Resource outline_texture is null.")
#outline_texture_display.texture = outline_texture
#background_texture_display.texture = resource.card_display
card_ability = loaded_path.ability_Type
card_ability_description = loaded_path.description
Here is the custom Resource:
extends Resource
class_name Cards
@export var card_display : Texture
@export var card_outline : Texture
@export_category("Card Properties")
@export_enum("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Spades", "Clubs") var card_type : String
@export_enum("None", "1", "2", "3") var ability_Type : String
@export var description: String
signal used(ablity)
func display_card() -> String:
return "Word"
## TODO: Have it so when the player choses to use this card then the function will fire
func use_card():
emit_signal("used", ability_Type)
And here is the script that assigns the Resource Data to the Card Manager:
extends Control
var held_deck : Array[Control]
var held_card : Control
@onready var card_template = load("res://Scenes/card_scene.tscn")
## TODO : Move this into its own hand Node Once set up
func _ready():
add_card("res://Resources/Card/Card Data/Card_test.tres")
func add_card(added_card : String):
if added_card == null:
print("Error: The card resource is null.")
var card_instance = card_template.instantiate()
card_instance.card_button.connect("hover", Callable(self, "assign_held_card"))
card_instance.card_button.connect("use", Callable(self, "use_card"))
## Modify the hand's size so it adds to the visual deck
Keep in mind im still quite new to Godot so if you can either explain or point me in the right direction that’ll help me a lot