Godot Version
` 4.3.stable.official
` I’m running into an issue where as soon as I run my game, one of my CharacterBody2Ds and one of my RigidBody2Ds immediately accelerate off the screen at a high speed, the former moving upwards, the latter moving downwards.
The CharacterBody2D (the player) has a CollisionShape2D child node. When this node is deactivated, the glitch stops. However, it also has an Area2D child node which has a CollisionShape2D child node, which appears to have no impact on the glitch.
When I altered the CharacterBody2D’s script to print its velocity, its velocity appeared to be 0, or the expected velocity depending on player input (wasd).
The RigidBody2D has the glitch regardless of whether or not it has a CollisionShape2D child node or whether that child node is activated. It has no script attached, and its only other child node is a Sprite2D.
I have other CharacterBody2Ds in my scene, none of which have been affected.
I’m relatively new to Godot, and I have absolutely no idea what’s going on here. Hopefully I’ve just made a simple and obvious mistake somewhere. Any help would be much appreciated.`