I recently tried to generate texture atlas using Import on the top right besides the Scene tab. (Import mode Mesh2D)
After noticing the texture atlas broke my spritesheets (Hframes & Vframes just stretched the texture) I decided to undo all of it by Importing all my pngs, once more as Image. And that got rid of all the path in every Sprite node and i thought all i had to do left was reinsert the individual PNGs. But i discovered everytime i drag and drop an image into their respectful Sprite node and saved the scene, it would take much longer to save than it did before the blunder. When I checked around what was happening, i found out each .tscn file that had an image / Sprite node all reached above 100 MB and one even reaching 800 MB and Godot eating up up to 11 GB of RAM when i try to save.
I have no clue what is causing this.
side note there are a few details i’m omitting because i can’t really recall what buttons i mashed while trying to figure out how to undo the atlas thing. I read somewhere it was because of “Make Unique” but I can’t figure out how to solve this in general.
I’m not a coder at all, godot is my first experience with genuine coding and i’ve only been at it partially for 5 months, english is my 2nd language as well, it would help to refrain from using complex words (i’m sorry)