Scene .tscn file reaching 800 MB after Import TextureAtlas mishap

I recently tried to generate texture atlas using Import on the top right besides the Scene tab. (Import mode Mesh2D)

After noticing the texture atlas broke my spritesheets (Hframes & Vframes just stretched the texture) I decided to undo all of it by Importing all my pngs, once more as Image. And that got rid of all the path in every Sprite node and i thought all i had to do left was reinsert the individual PNGs. But i discovered everytime i drag and drop an image into their respectful Sprite node and saved the scene, it would take much longer to save than it did before the blunder. When I checked around what was happening, i found out each .tscn file that had an image / Sprite node all reached above 100 MB and one even reaching 800 MB and Godot eating up up to 11 GB of RAM when i try to save.

I have no clue what is causing this.

side note there are a few details i’m omitting because i can’t really recall what buttons i mashed while trying to figure out how to undo the atlas thing. I read somewhere it was because of “Make Unique” but I can’t figure out how to solve this in general.

I’m not a coder at all, godot is my first experience with genuine coding and i’ve only been at it partially for 5 months, english is my 2nd language as well, it would help to refrain from using complex words (i’m sorry)

guys nvm i’m dumb i figured out you’re not supposed to Import the sprite files as Image but as Texture2D.

imma leave this here though in case anyone else found the same problem as me. (it took me 2 hours to figure this out)

“Make Unique” would induce this sort of behavior on large data files like textures and meshes. This option embeds the resource (image, model, etc) into the .tscn file as a text format. The text format is significantly larger than a stand alone binary file. Even Path2D/3D nodes can create large binary data for the curves, that could be saved seperately for editing disk space.

You could open your .tscn file in a text editor to find large portions of it taken up by a sub-resource declaration. Overwritting these big text resources with on-disk equivalents will reduce the .tscn file size significantly, especially for textures and models.

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