Godot Version
<selection doesn’t work on generated object. basically, event.is_action_pressed() doesn’t detect anything. i have object (cap) and it has selection area. and it works unless it’s in inventory.>
<selection doesn’t work on generated object. basically, event.is_action_pressed() doesn’t detect anything. i have object (cap) and it has selection area. and it works unless it’s in inventory.>
Can you show, where you instance your cap-scene?
first in global (autoload script) when object is collected, .tscn is added to array. than in inventory it’s passed to a Panel (slot) and there it’s instance is added as a child
So you are testing if the mouse is pressed?
yeah, in selection area in _input_event() i put print() in the begining but with instanced object it doesn’t detect anything
Its possible that the panel or a other ui-node catches the input, before your selection-area
yeah! i guess the slot itself is blocking it! but how to fix this???
i use this:
the solution is: check Mouse.Filter to Ignore
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