Godot Version
My Code in GDScipt:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("DEBUG_KEY_5"):
animated_sprite.material.set_shader_parameter("origin_1",Color(0.043, 0.576, 0.812))
animated_sprite.material.set_shader_parameter("new_color_1", Color(0.729, 1, 0))
And my Shader Code:
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec4 origin_1: source_color;
uniform vec4 new_color_1: source_color;
void fragment() {
vec4 current_pixel = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
if (current_pixel == origin_1)
COLOR = (new_color_1 );
COLOR = current_pixel;
In the Editor the Origin_1 color get Yellow, but if i press play, nothing changed. i already read some answers. But a didn’t understand a thing so please. Explain it to me like you would to a newbie programmer
The Answers from another Post:
This is because you’re performing floating-point comparison with exact values, which will break unexpectedly due to floating-point precision errors (just like in GDScript or C#). You need to introduce an epsilon value (here, 0.001) and check whether the value is within the range of this epsilon:
curr_color.r >= oldColor.r - 0.001 && curr_color.r <= oldColor.r + 0.001 &&
curr_color.g >= oldColor.g - 0.001 && curr_color.g <= oldColor.g + 0.001 &&
curr_color.b >= oldColor.b - 0.001 && curr_color.b <= oldColor.b + 0.001 &&
curr_color.a >= oldColor.a - 0.001 && curr_color.a <= oldColor.a + 0.001
) {
// Colors are approximately equal.
Where do i need to integrate this Code?