I’m making a web-based 2D MMO where I’ve planned on using databases to store players’ account details.
I previously looked into SQLite. However, it does not support arrays as a data type, which I plan on using to store friend lists/blocklists, etc. PostgreS does, but it does not work with HTML5 projects due to security reasons/TCP stuff, and the repo owner doesn’t have time to work on the addon anymore.
Should I look into other data storage methods, or are there addons that allow me to use databases with my project?
You can learn more about SilentWolf which is a free and advanced backend for Godot 4. It allows you to store player data, scores, login session, etc.
Or also there are many backends that are available in the assets library, you can search it.
You can store that data as comma separated string, or even a custom JSON schema stored in a blob or a string with clear delimiters in large string field in sqlite. For an MMO, you might want to use a DB backend to store everything in RAM ready form, not just friends list, text chats history, etc. but everything that will be stored server side, e.g any and all data the server manages In a typical client server game architecture.
Cheers, have fun!