Simple way to manage the "notch" on iOS and Android mobile devices

This MarginContainer script will automatically set margins so that everything inside is within the “safe area” and not covered by the notch or other device-specific features. This way, you can put a background outside the container and the rest of your UI inside it and have a nice-looking interface :slight_smile:

extends MarginContainer

func _ready() -> void:
	var os := OS.get_name()
	if os == "iOS" or os == "Android":

func update() -> void:
	var screen_safe_rect := Rect2(DisplayServer.get_display_safe_area())
	var viewport_transform := get_viewport().get_final_transform()
	var viewport_safe_rect := screen_safe_rect * viewport_transform.affine_inverse()
	var viewport_full_rect := get_viewport().get_visible_rect()
	var left := viewport_safe_rect.position.x - viewport_full_rect.position.x
	var top := viewport_safe_rect.position.y - viewport_full_rect.position.y
	var right := viewport_full_rect.end.x - viewport_safe_rect.end.x
	var bottom := viewport_full_rect.end.y - viewport_safe_rect.end.y
	add_theme_constant_override('margin_left', roundi(left))
	add_theme_constant_override('margin_top', roundi(top))
	add_theme_constant_override('margin_right', roundi(right))
	add_theme_constant_override('margin_bottom', roundi(bottom))
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