So the code Is destroying the wrong objects

Godot Version

extends CharacterBody2D
@onready var left = $Left
@onready var right = $Right
@onready var down = $Down
@onready var up = $Up
@onready var node = $“…”
@onready var bf_act_1 = $“…/BF Act 1”
var player

Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.

func _ready():
var player = bf_act_1

Called every frame. ‘delta’ is the elapsed time since the previous frame.

func _process(delta):
if left.has_overlapping_bodies() and Input.is_action_just_pressed(“Left”):
var body = left.get_overlapping_bodies().find(0)
var ToDestroy = node.get_child(body)
bf_act_1.animation = “Left”

if down.has_overlapping_bodies() and Input.is_action_just_pressed("Down"):
	var body1 = down.get_overlapping_bodies().find(0)
	var ToDestroy = node.get_child(body1)
	bf_act_1.animation = "Down"

if right.has_overlapping_bodies() and Input.is_action_just_pressed("Right"):
	var body2 = right.get_overlapping_bodies().find(0)
	var ToDestroy = node.get_child(body2)
	bf_act_1.animation = "Right"

if up.has_overlapping_bodies() and Input.is_action_just_pressed("Up"):
	var body3 = up.get_overlapping_bodies().find(0)
	var ToDestroy = node.get_child(body3)
	bf_act_1.animation = "Up"

func _on_bf_act_1_animation_looped():
bf_act_1.animation = “Idle”


`So basically in this code the object when i click the object in the lane is meant to be destroyed but for some reason it destroys the ones in alternate lanes(This is for a rythym game for clarification)

I think when you use find(0) it returns -1 you probably just want to do this.


And do it for each track.

bf_act_1.animation = "Right"

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