Some breakpoints work while others don’t when compiling in debug mode with VS C++

Godot Version

4.3 windows


Hello everyone,

UPDATE: testing it in some other project looks like i can’t put any custom method in the process method . whats going on here ?

I’m facing a strange issue while compiling a GDExtension in debug mode using Visual Studio C++. Some breakpoints work as expected, while others don’t.

I’ve tried recompiling multiple times and verified that the output is in debug mode, but no matter what I do, only some breakpoints are hit while others are not.
this is what the non working breakpoint massage say

it is compiled many time , can’t be the code is not updated to the output dll
this is the scons im using to compile:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys

# Extract the required values
my_project_name = "adventure_rpg"
my_project_dir_name = "game"  # 'game' replaces the old 'demo'
my_godot_cpp_name = r"C:\dev\my\godot\cpp_new\godot-cpp\godot-cpp\SConstruct"
my_project_src_dir = r"C:\dev\my\godot\cpp_new\adventure_rpg\src"

def normalize_path(val, env):
    return val if os.path.isabs(val) else os.path.join(env.Dir("#").abspath, val)

def validate_parent_dir(key, val, env):
    if not os.path.isdir(normalize_path(os.path.dirname(val), env)):
        raise UserError("'%s' is not a directory: %s" % (key, os.path.dirname(val)))

libname = my_project_name
projectdir = my_project_dir_name
godot_cpp_path_SConstruct = my_godot_cpp_name
this_project_src = my_project_src_dir

localEnv = Environment(tools=["default"], PLATFORM="")

# Explicitly set the PLATFORM variable based on the running OS.
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
    localEnv["PLATFORM"] = "win32"
    localEnv["PLATFORM"] = sys.platform

if 'MSVC' in localEnv['TOOLS']:
    # Custom messages for MSVC compile and link commands.
    localEnv['CCCOMSTR']    = 'Compiling (MSVC): $SOURCE'
    localEnv['SHLINKCOMSTR'] = 'Linking (MSVC): $TARGET'

localEnv["compiledb"] = False

customs = [""]
customs = [os.path.abspath(path) for path in customs]

opts = Variables(customs, ARGUMENTS)
        help="Generate compilation DB (`compile_commands.json`) for external tools",
        default=localEnv.get("compiledb", False),
        help="Path to a custom `compile_commands.json` file",
        default=localEnv.get("compiledb_file", "compile_commands.json"),


env = localEnv.Clone()

# Force SCons to print the full command line for every compile/link action.
env["PRINT_CMD_LINE_FUNC"] = lambda cmd, target, source, env: print(" ".join(cmd))

compilation_db = env.CompilationDatabase(
    normalize_path(localEnv["compiledb_file"], localEnv)
env.Alias("compiledb", compilation_db)

env = SConscript(godot_cpp_path_SConstruct, {"env": env, "customs": customs})

def find_directories(directory):
    directories = ["src/"]
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
        directories.extend(["src/" + os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, d), directory).replace("\\", "/") + "/" for d in dirs])
    return directories

source_dirs = find_directories(this_project_src)
print("Source directories detected:", source_dirs)

# Define object directory
obj_dir = "obj/"
if not os.path.exists(obj_dir):

print("Source directories detected:", source_dirs)  # Debug detected directories

sources = []
for d in source_dirs:
    cpp_files = Glob(d + "*.cpp")
    print(f"Found {len(cpp_files)} files in {d}: {[str(f) for f in cpp_files]}")

print("Final list of source files:", [str(f) for f in sources])

# (Optional) Collect all source files again if required by the build process.
sources = []
for d in source_dirs:
    sources.extend(Glob(d + "*.cpp"))

# Create object files in obj_dir
objects = []
for source in sources:
    obj_file = os.path.join(obj_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(str(source)))[0] + ".obj")
    objects.append(env.Object(target=obj_file, source=source))

# Define the output library file exactly as in your original configuration.
file = "{}{}{}".format(libname, env["suffix"], env["SHLIBSUFFIX"])
libraryfile = "bin/{}/{}".format(env["platform"], file)

# Link objects into a shared library.
library = env.SharedLibrary(

copy = env.InstallAs("{}/bin/{}/lib{}".format(projectdir, env["platform"], file), library)

default_args = [library, copy]
if localEnv.get("compiledb", False):
    default_args += [compilation_db]

Has anyone encountered this issue before? Any suggestions on how to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

I believe breakpoints can not be used on declarations, definitions, export annotations etc. They only work for executable lines of code.

no , the problem is in the scons command line im invoking ,
i only need to invoke : scons dev_build=yes

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