Godot Version
I am working on my first 3d game within godot. I am trying to convert a bullet spawner that I have used before in 2d to 3d. The bullet spawns, however the node goes to (0,0,0) instead of the position I am trying to get it to go.
func ShootBullets() -> void:
for i in shots:
var newBullet := bullet.instantiate()
# i have tried global_position here aswell
newBullet.transform.origin = global_transform.origin
if shots == 1:
# This part works.
newBullet.global_rotation = Vector3(0,randf_range(0,360),0)
# Arc Radius
var arcRad := deg_to_rad(arc)
var increment := arcRad / (ammo - 1)
newBullet.global_rotation = (
parent.global_rotation +
increment * i -
arcRad / 2
# I tried moving this above global posion setting but also did not work, same issue.
get_tree().root.call_deferred("add_child", newBullet)
I am also getting this error if it matters:
E 0:00:05:0976 bullet_spawner.gd:24 @ ShootBullets(): Condition “!is_inside_tree()” is true. Returning: Transform3D()
<C++ Source> scene/3d/node_3d.cpp:345 @ get_global_transform()
bullet_spawner.gd:24 @ ShootBullets()
player_script.gd:46 @ _input()