TextureButton doesn't work

Godot Version



I made a little card system for my game that gives upgrades when the card (TextureButton) gets pressed, The tree is as follows:


When I click the button, it doesn’t execute the code I had on the “_on_pressed()” signal (a breakpoint and a “print()” line). I have seen that this kind of problem is widespread, and I followed almost every solution I found about it, but they didn’t work for me.

Can everyone here help me with this, I appreciate any help.

PD: I am not an English speaker, I’m using Grammarly right now, I apologize in advance for any errors

Have you setted the other controls nodes to use mouse_filter = ignore?

I have tried that already, but it still doesn’t work, Thanks for helping me out!

If you want, you can share your project so i can take a look

I could do that if I don’t find any other solution, Thanks!

I figured it out! I just made the scene into a normal “Control” node, added a transparent button, and made the texture into a Sprite2D!

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