Thank You Godot! I Created a Stylistic 3D Tower Defense in Godot: "Dampf - The Cozy Tower Defense"

I’m Foxid, the solo developer of my first commercial game: Dampf

It took me almost a year getting it to its current state and also 625 hours working on it. I did a lot of mistakes during the process, learning new skills and things. There is also a lot of frustration into it. However I am really grateful for Godot as a great toolkit shiping my game today! Just wanna say thanks to everyone who is contributing to the engine, you make the difference!

And today is the day of release! My tower defense game is OUT NOW with 20% OFF at the moment.

:point_right: :point_right: Save 20% on Dampf - The Cozy Tower Defense on Steam

What is Dampf?

Dampf is a simplistic stylistic tower defense for in-between trying to be a little cozy somehow ^^
You build economy buildings like houses and factories. So you gain building material and gold to manage your income in order to prepare for the next defense. You can build 4 different turrets to defend yourself for tanks and air attacks to survive the level til the last wave. With managing income you are also able to upgrade your buildings and turrets to balance economy and protection. While playing you make progress and gain the ability to use a perk tree changing your starting conditions and play-style. Thats it. Enjoy!


Congratz for finishing the game!
Also: Great name! :wink: As a German I understand it.

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