Tilemap, get "scene collection" instances by grid coordinates?

I have a tilemap, populated with “scene collection” cells, so that each cell instances a scene.

I’d like to be able to access the instance at any given tilemap coordinates, but I can’t seem to figure out how. Is there a way?

Hey, currently I have the same problem, I need to keep track of what scene is in each tile, but it seems that get_cell_tile_data(tile) only works if the tile is coming from an atlas resource. Did you find any solution for this problem?

Nope, though thinking about it now, maybe you could convert tile coordinates to world coordinates, move an area 2d to that location, and grab objects that way?

Yeah I’ve been thinking of using collision to check interactions between objects, but still, it seems weird not being able to know “what is in there” using tilemaps.