Tilemap script placing gray tiles instead of my own Tileset

I’m using a script to place random tiles from my own Tileset onto a hex grid. However, when I run the script, it seems gray tiles are being placed instead of my own custom tiles. I have made sure the IDs match, that I can manually place the tiles, and my camera is working correctly. I’m sure it’s something obvious I’m missing, but I can’t seem to see my own tiles when I run my code, only gray tiles.
Thank you.

Here’s my code:

extends TileMap

const TILE_IDS = [8 ,9 ,10] 

func _ready():

func generate_random_tilemap():
	var map_width = 10  
	var map_height = 10  

	for x in range(map_width):
		for y in range(map_height):
			var random_tile = TILE_IDS[randi() % TILE_IDS.size()]
			var tile_position = Vector2i(x, y)  
			set_cell(0, tile_position, random_tile, Vector2i(-1, -1))  

			print("Placing tile ID:", random_tile, "at position:", tile_position)

Why the 4th argument (represents atlas_coords) of set_cell function is Vector2i(-1, -1)?

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Oh duh, yeah that needs to be (0,0) not (-1,-1). I read the documentation incorrectly, thank you.

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