It’s the same as the title.
Is there a way to move an object to a set coordinate and then stop it?
I keep looking for ways and I don’t know how to code it…
Could you help me?
Like, move it gradually towards a position, or instantly teleport it?
If you wanna move the object at a constant speed and stop at its destination, move_toward
does that - it exists for floats and vectors.
If you just want the object to instantly teleport somewhere, just set its position
or global_position
Probably I need the ‘move toward’!!!
Thank you so much for your help!!!
I’m really sorry, but Could you tell me how to use this?
Example with 2D vectors - this script is meant to be attached to the node you want to move, and has an export variable that needs to be set to the target position:
@export var move_speed = 200
@export var target_position : Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
func _process(delta):
global_position = global_position.move_toward(target_position, move_speed * delta)
The reason I multiple the movement speed by delta
is to make sure that the movement speed is the same regardless of frame rate. This means that the movement speed is in pixels/second - or, if you do this in 3D, it’d be meters/second.
I got it!!!
Thank you so so much!!!
Have a nice day😊
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