Hi everyone,
I’m developing a plugin for godot for inspired by lombok for speed-up the programming.
By pressing a shortcut the code of the current script is fed to a bunch of handlers that intercept the token they are programmed to handle and replace it with code. Below an example:
For now i started with a few tokens:
- “#@getset”/“#@get”/“#@set”: if put above a variable writes the get and set code of the variable
- “##@abstract”: When the shortcut is pressed the plugin looks if the parent class has a function marked with this token and writes it into the current class
- “##@implements A, B, C”: like the one in oop implements generates in the current class all the methods in the interfaces listed (the keyword is like java and interfaces, in this case, are only classes extending a class named BasicInterface, like ABC in python)
The last two mimes an abstract layes but in reality they only get informations from the code via regex scans.
Please leave me a feedback: do you think it could be a useful tool into the asset library? Do you have some token to suggest? Every suggestion is welcome