Godot 4.2.1
Hey all,
I’m trying to create a computer simulation and am struggling to translate mouse movements and input to the virtual screen. Is this more of a geometry question?
The player window is 1920x1080, and the virtual window is 320x180.
The virtual window is at Vector3(0,0,0) and the camera is at Vector3(0,0,2.721)
I figured out how to get control nodes to render on a sprite3D through a viewport node. For the mouse movement, I took a crack at it, but it wasn’t quite right.
I have a scene called gui_panel_3d
that looks like this:
The gui_panel_3d
has a script on it:
extends Node3D
#func _input(event):
#if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
#var position2D = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
#%mouse.position = position2D / 6
#if Input.is_action_pressed("click"):
#var position2D = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
##var dropPlane = Plane(Vector3(0, 0, 10))
##var position3D = dropPlane.intersects_ray(%Camera.project_ray_origin(position2D),%Camera.project_ray_normal(position2D))
#%Label.text = "this is a test"
# Define the size of the virtual screen
const VIRTUAL_SCREEN_SIZE = Vector2(320, 180)
# Reference to the 3D camera and the virtual screen node
var camera
@onready var virtual_screen = self
func _ready() -> void:
camera = get_parent().get_node("Camera")
# Function to map screen position to virtual screen position
func screen_to_virtual_screen(screen_pos):
# Cast a ray from the screen position into the 3D world
var ray_origin = camera.project_ray_origin(screen_pos)
var ray_direction = camera.project_ray_normal(screen_pos)
# Define the distance to the virtual screen
var distance_to_virtual_screen = 5.0 # Adjust based on your setup
# Calculate the hit position in 3D space
var hit_position = ray_origin + ray_direction * distance_to_virtual_screen
# Transform the hit position to the local space of the virtual screen
var local_hit_position = virtual_screen.to_local(hit_position)
# Map the local position to the virtual screen coordinates
var virtual_x = (local_hit_position.x / virtual_screen.scale.x) * VIRTUAL_SCREEN_SIZE.x
var virtual_y = (local_hit_position.y / virtual_screen.scale.y) * VIRTUAL_SCREEN_SIZE.y
return Vector2(virtual_x, virtual_y)
func _process(_delta):
var mouse_pos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
var virtual_screen_pos = screen_to_virtual_screen(mouse_pos)
#%mouse.position = virtual_screen_pos / 6
%mouse.position = virtual_screen_pos
Then the gui_panel_3d
is instanced in a 3d scene with a camera:
This is what it looks like when I move my mouse: the image moving around is the placeholder for a virtual mouse.
Also, here are my errors, just in case that means anything:
EDIT: I figured out a way to check if the virtual mouse is within the boundaries of a UI element:
func _input(event):
if Input.is_action_pressed("click"):
print(is_point_within_area(virtual_screen_pos, %Button.position, %Button.size))
func is_point_within_area(point: Vector2, area_position: Vector2, area_size: Vector2) -> bool:
return point.x >= area_position.x and point.x <= area_position.x + area_size.x and \
point.y >= area_position.y and point.y <= area_position.y + area_size.y