Transparent objects and textures disappear when using spatial shader

Godot Version

Godot 4.3


Having a bit of trouble with spatial shaders.

For testing purposes i copied this spatial shader and set it up in my project.

And used the screen texture output like in the documentation comment.
So all it does is copy the colors of the screen and display them on a quad in front of the camera.

But for some reason my transparent texture still disappears, and so do transparent objects.

What i get:

Desired result: (with shader disabled)

This is the sprite 3d

And this a transparent object that also disappears (when transparency bool is off it shows up)

Btw the whole reason im doing this is because i wanna use this outline spatial shader but it produces the same issue.

Thanks in advance

Fixed the issue for sprite3ds

By settings alpha cut to “discard”

Same thing can fix it for label3ds:

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