Trouble setting up autotilling

Godot Version



I am trying to create a procedurally generated world that also uses autotiling, however it is not working.

Here is the relevant code:

extends TileMap

@onready var tilemap1 = $Water
@onready var tilemap2 = $Land
@export var moisture =
@export var temperature =
@export var altitude =
var width = 64
var height = 64
@onready var player = get_tree().current_scene.get_node("CharacterBody2D")
var loaded_chunks = []

func _ready():
	moisture.seed = randi()
	temperature.seed = randi()
	altitude.seed = randi()
	altitude.frequency = .001

func _process(delta):
	var player_tile_pos = local_to_map(player.position)
func generate_chunk(pos):
	var cells = []
	for x in range(width):
		for y in range(height):
			var moist = moisture.get_noise_2d(pos.x - width / 2 + x, pos.y - height / 2 + y)*10
			var temp = temperature.get_noise_2d(pos.x - width / 2 + x, pos.y - height / 2 + y)*10
			var alt = altitude.get_noise_2d(pos.x - width / 2 + x, pos.y - height / 2 + y)*10
			#If statment to determine Water
			if alt < 0:
				set_cell(0, Vector2i(pos.x-width/2 + x, pos.y-height/2+y), 0, Vector2(0,0), 0)
				#If statement to determine sand
			if alt > 0:
				set_cell(1, Vector2i(pos.x-width/2 + x, pos.y-height/2+y), 2, Vector2(4,0), 0)
				#If statement to determine land
				if alt > .35:
					#Within land, if statement to determine hot biomes
					if temp > 1:
						#Within hot biomes, if statement to determine savannah
						if moist > 0:
							set_cell(1, Vector2i(pos.x-width/2 + x, pos.y-height/2+y), 2, Vector2(0,2), 0)
						#Within hot biomes, if statement to determine dessert
						if moist < 0:
							set_cell(1, Vector2i(pos.x-width/2 + x, pos.y-height/2+y), 2, Vector2(0,3), 0)
					#Within land, if statement to determine cold biomes
					if temp < -1:
						#Within cold biomes, if statement to determine snow
						if moist > 0:
							set_cell(1, Vector2i(pos.x-width/2 + x, pos.y-height/2+y), 2, Vector2(1,0), 0)
						#Within cold biomes, if statement to determine Tundra
						if moist < 0:
							set_cell(1, Vector2i(pos.x-width/2 + x, pos.y-height/2+y), 2, Vector2(2,0), 0)
					#Within land, if statement to determine mid biomes
					if temp < 1 and temp > -1:
						#Within mid biomes, if statement to determine swamp
						if moist > 0:
							set_cell(1, Vector2i(pos.x-width/2 + x, pos.y-height/2+y), 2, Vector2(2,1), 0)
						#Within mid biomes, if statement to determine plains
						if moist < 0:
							set_cell(1, Vector2i(pos.x-width/2 + x, pos.y-height/2+y), 2, Vector2(3,1), 0)
			if Vector2i(pos.x,pos.y) not in loaded_chunks:
	tilemap2.set_cells_terrain_connect(0, cells, 0, 1)
	set_cells_terrain_connect(0, cells, 0, 2)

func unload_distant_chunks(player_pos):
	var unload_dist = (width * 2) + 1
	for chunk in loaded_chunks:
		var dist_to_player = dist(chunk, player_pos)
		if dist_to_player > unload_dist:

func clear_chunk(pos):
	for x in range(width):
		for y in range(height):
			set_cell(0, Vector2(x,y), -1, Vector2(-1,-1))
			set_cell(0, Vector2i(pos.x-width/2 + x, pos.y-height/2+y), -1, Vector2(-1,-1))
			set_cell(1, Vector2i(pos.x-width/2 + x, pos.y-height/2+y), -1, Vector2(-1,-1))
func dist(p1,p2):
	var r = p1-p2
	return sqrt(r.x ** 2 + r.y ** 2)

I am using a local_to_map function to generate the world, and it only seemed to work in a script that extende Tilemap, however it seems that the set_cells_terrain_connect function isnt working due to tilemap2 being null. But in the tutorials ive seen, everyone uses in in a script that extends node 2D

I apologize for any confusion this is my first post and i am a very inexperienced programmer.

*Edit to show more code

it should work in any script, as long as you have a reference to the tilemap. The code that you sent doesnt really say much. Can you show more code?

Sure, just made the edit

well you are calling set_cells_connect, but the array “cells” is empty. You have to put the coordinates in the array and then it will place them.
If you have different autotiles, you have to create one array for each terrain and then call for each array set_cells_connect

how do put the coordinates in the array? i put in the atlas coordinates like this:

var cells = [0,13]

I still got the same error of null instance.

Do i need to reference my tilemap in some way?

well the script is part of the tilemap so you dont need to reference it. You can save coordinates with a Vector2:

var cells = [Vector2(0, 13), Vector2(0, 14), ...]