Trouble with animation

Godot Version

Godot 4.3


Guys, i am having trouble with the attack and jump animation, i am using the legacy asset pack downloaded from, the attack animation does’nt go further than the 1st frame (i’m using the animated sprite node).

You probably override the animation with a new animation in your code. May you share your code?

Sure, here is part of the animation code

As you can see in your code, every time its run it plays the “Idle” or the “Run” animation. This resets any other animation thats currently playing.

What you need is a so-called “state-machine”. There are plenty of tutorials on youtube on how to implement one. They allow you to create states for all the behaviours you’d like and structure your code better


Thank you for helping me out sire

Sire, I am forcing; i’m humbly requesting you to join my team as an artist if you are one or if you know someone who can work with me as an artist, can you please ask them to work with us. Unfortunately, i won’t able to pay anything as you might have already guessed, i am a rookie in game dev. But still we’ll the share the reward equally that we get from the jam or if we fail in winning the jam, we’ll make a game with you or the person and you or the person can have a 25% of the money coming from the game.
Thank you for reading and if you don’t wanna work like that then it’s okay.

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unfortunately im a terrible artist myself and im also working on my own game currently. I appreciate the offer though.

And if your problem is resolved, make sure to mark an answer as solution to close of this thread. For other kind of conversations you can still write dm’s