Trouble with switching scene back to main menu

So far my project looks like this:
A “main menu” scene that has a button, which swaps the scene to a level.
when you die in the level a death menu pops up.
The retry button works perfectly fine, but the go to main menu button does not work, and only prints “go to main menu”


Death menu script:

extends Control

var level = preload("res://All scenes/Level.tscn")
@export var main_menu:PackedScene

func _on_retry_pressed():

func _on_go_to_menu_button_pressed():
	print("go to main menu")

Have you setted the main_menu variable in the inspector? Check if you debugger isn’t printing a message like that:

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export and preload can create a cyclical dependency, try using change_scene_to_file with a string path instead.

@export_file("*.tscn") var main_menu_path: String

func _on_go_to_menu_button_pressed():
	print("go to main menu")

To expand on this: If script A preloads or @exports script B, and script B preloads or @exports script A,     (A ⟺ B) Godot will be unable to load one of them and as of 4.3 it silently fails. Generally changing scenes is better done by change_scene_to_file, where change_scene_to_packed is great for loading runtime created scenes.

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I probably should’ve included that in the original post but yeah, I did set it correctly.

Can you show the contents of the scene assigned to main_menu?

Thanks! it works now!