Trying to make a typing text box

Godot Version



it says that it has an invalid assignment of property or key ‘text’ with value of ‘string’ on a base object of type ‘null instance’ (was following a tutorial)

extends Control

@onready var _dialogue : Label = $Text
var _typing_speed : float = 60
var _typing_time : float

func _ready():
func display_text(text : String):
	_dialogue.text = text
	_dialogue.visible_characters = 0
	_typing_time = 0
	while _dialogue.visible_characters < _dialogue.get_total_character_count():
		_typing_time += get_process_delta_time()
		_dialogue.visible_characters = _typing_speed * _typing_time as int
		await get_tree().process_frame

That error means that in this line:

_dialogue.text = text

Your _dialogue variable has a value of null.
Which most likely means that when you try to assign the $Text node to that variable, it can’t find a child of that name, so the variable remains a null.

@onready var _dialogue : Label = $Text

You either have a typo in the name, or your node is somewhere else than a direct child of the node you’re running your script from.
Show a screeshot of your scene tree if you can’t find the rootcause yourself.

Thank you i realized i misspelled the nodes name!

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