Upscaling for Screenshot

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]


I'm using GraphEdit to build harness diagrams. I would like to blow this up and save as an image. Can someone point me in the right direction? Right now I just capture the viewport but to get all the nodes on screen it's much too small.

Is making an extra large subviewport possible? And do the same texture grab

I have tried the following

func _on_screenshot_button_pressed() -> void:
	var ge = $GraphEdit.duplicate()
	$SubViewport.get_texture().get_image().save_png("user://Screenshot.png") # 

but get the following errors:
E 0:00:04:0368 @ _on_screenshot_button_pressed(): Index p_index = 1 is out of bounds ((int)data.children_cache.size() = 1). <C++ Source> scene/main/node.cpp:1688 @ get_child() <Stack Trace> @ _on_screenshot_button_pressed()
E 0:00:04:0368 @ _on_screenshot_button_pressed(): Child node disappeared while duplicating. <C++ Error> Parameter "copy_child" is null. <C++ Source> scene/main/node.cpp:2926 @ _duplicate_properties() <Stack Trace> @ _on_screenshot_button_pressed()

I dont think that is how you duplicate a scene.

Try just reparenting the scene in the viewport then parent it back.

func _on_screenshot_button_pressed() -> void:
	var ge = $GraphEdit
	ge.reparent($SubViewport, true) 
    $SubViewport.get_texture().get_image().save_png("user://Screenshot.png") #
    ge.reparent(self, true)