Godot Version
Godot 4.2.2
When using a TileMap with collision added to say wall tiles, my player is stopped but then pushes through between the tile.
Godot 4.2.2
When using a TileMap with collision added to say wall tiles, my player is stopped but then pushes through between the tile.
is your tilemap art and colisoin match to the grid size. also is the player going between blocks or just through. if its between them its likely your tilemap grid is bigger than your tilemap art and colision boxes
My TileMap art is 32 x 32 and my cell size is 32 x32, the player pushes between the blocks.
then the only thing i can guess is that you mask or layers may be done wrong or your doing something weird with the movement
They all share the same layer, and the collision is stopping my player but it is still able to push between tiles, Looking into this it maybe a godot bug, I’m hoping there is a workaround ?
it could be move and colide if you are using it. idk ive allways used slide and never seen this
I’ve tried both Move_and_Collide and Move_and_Slide.
so without more info or testing i cant really say much more. the first thing i would try is on the tile map grid make it smaller then the actual art and see if it still happens to eliminate any possibility of it being the set up hitboxes or grid
In the debug menu, turn on visible collision shapes.
As you can see below, there are no gaps between tile collision. I’ve tried changing the tile grid size, sprite size and collision shape, I still am able to push the player between the tiles.
im sorry then but i have no clue my best advice if you want it fixed it to #out large chunks of you code and rewrite it much simpler like you player movement then replace it to its bare bones as simple as can be and see if it fixes it. not great advice but im out if ideas