Vector2 Rotation?


I’m trying to set the rotation of another node to be the same as another node, and this is the code I have for that:

func _physics_process(delta):
	$Arm1/Node2D.global_rotation = Vector2(sword.global_rotation)
	$Arm2/Node2D.global_rotation = Vector2(sword.global_rotation)

But when I try to run it it says that it’s an “Invalid call” and it’s a “Nonexistent ‘Vector2’ constructor.”

Is there a way to set rotation of two nodes to be the same, and do you use Vector2 to do it?

Why do you create a new Vector2?

sword.global_rotation should already be a Vector2 => you can set it directly, right?

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I took out the Vector2, which runs the code now, but I now realize that I think what I really need is for the $Arm2/Node2D to have the opposite rotation as sword, which I also don’t know how to do :confused:

Could you do this? Using the negative operator

$Arm1/Node2D.rotation = -sword.rotation
$Arm2/Node2D.rotation = -sword.rotation
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I had to change a couple other things in the code, but that worked, thanks!

One more question though, is there a way to only keep the x rotation?

There is no ‘x’ rotation in 2D. Maybe you intend to flip the sprite?

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Yeah flip the whole node, the only problem though (which I could live with if it it’s unfixable) is that when it’s rotated up, it gets rotated down and vice versa.