When Im using “default” font it seems to center text based on the “biggest” letter, while if Im using “custom” font it seems to center text based on the “smallest” letter…
Both options are not optimal btw…
Since I want to have text in button vertically centered in “every” scenario - Only big letters, Only small letters, Small and big letters
Well, I didnt find solution per se…but did find out whats the problem
I had some font resources before changing to 4.3 version, which seems, they didnt transit in “best” shape
I have default font(new font after transition to 4.3) set, but seems the theme file overrides the default font
But in theme there is correctly font set, yet for some reason when inspecting the file with other editor I can see there is different(transition broken font) used instead
So after changing to correctly newly imported font in 4.3, text seems to be vertically passable(correct)
Btw…One of “solutions”, before finding out the cause, was changing button size to higher value than “text”(with the issue button y size was font size + some unwanted bottom padding btw), which resulted in optically lesser extra bottom padding(still some 2-4px extra was there, but was “hidden” thanks to extra padding on top and bottom caused by increased button size…