Visual Shader Nodes Missing on Project Reload

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]


Visual Shader Nodes Missing on Project Reload

Hi all!

I was following a tutorial online to become familiar with shaders, and the example had me constructing a visual shader for swaying grass using vertex nodes. After completing the tutorial successfully, I had a full shader graph and a working shader that was making a little flower sway back and forth.

I went back today to do some more work and upon loading the project discovered that the shader graph is completely empty except for the default “output” node. Interesting, however, is that the shader I made still exists in the resource list, it’s still used as the material on the sprite, and it still functions in the test scene. Even more interesting is that when I click the button to view the generated code, it generates the code completely, as if the nodes were still there, however the graph is completely empty as I said, other than the default “output” node.

Not sure if this is just a simple issue of view configuration or something like that, but I was curious if this was an issue or if this was something I was doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I would just try clicking the material and see if the visual shader editor opens it. If not I would try and save the resource to file, if it is already, then select it in the file explorer to see if the visual shader editor opens itself.