Why did my collisionshape2D break when changing basic window settings?

Godot Version

4.2.1 Windows 64-bit


So tonight, I was seeing if i could adjust the window settings for my game a bit (exclusive fullscreen, setting fractional to integer, canvas_item to viewport, snap settings in rendering) and I eventually went back to how the settings were before, but when I went back, for some reason the CollisionShape2D on my player just broke?

Here’s an example video, but whenever I zoom in and out, the box glitches on the X axis and it does this in gameplay too, it also did this on the Y axis but readjusting the position fixed that, but readjusting the position on the X axis didnt fix anything.

Why is it doing this? And how do I fix this?
(current position is X7 Y15.5 and making a new collisionshape2d with this same position makes it also glitch out, and its not exclusive to this specific .tscn scene)

I looked around the settings again and found out i still had snap 2d vertices and snap 2d transforms enabled even though I was sure I disabled them.

I disabled them now and it seems the glitching is gone, however I’m still confused as to why enabling those 2 just broke collisionshapes? Is this somehow intentional or no? Because it didn’t really look intentional and looked more like a bug with the way it was glitching in the editor.