Godot 4.3
Here is an example with Depth Fog. There is nothing else going on in the environment except the background colour and the fog. Can anything be done about this? Is it something to do with how distance from the camera is being calculated? Any insight would be appreciated.
So it turns out this is, at least partly and possibly completely, an optical illusion. Here’s a picture I made manually myself showing a similar effect. The edges are definitely not lighter.
With regards to depth fog it seems the best you can do to minimise this ‘lighter’ edges illusion it is to play with the depth beginning and curve. I’ve found moving the beginning further from the camera and using an ease out curve seems to help. It’s also worth noting the effect is strongly influenced by the geometry itself. It’s only very obvious at sharp corners between surfaces so, for example, looking through a cylinder doesn’t exhibit it.
EDIT: For depth fog having the beginning too close to the camera definitely emphasises this problem because you can see the curvature of where the fog begins. This in combination with the illusion makes the edges feel like they are extending beyond the fog towards the camera, as in my original post. Here’s the depth curve set to zero to show why this happens.