Why i get WARNING: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details), from one scene , and not from other scene with same setting?

Godot Version



why i get WARNING: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details), from one scene , and not from other scene with same setting? i know EntityStatsBaseFuncRes that give the problem, i wish i could free the resource, but it dont have free() or queue_free(). i also try put null in func _exit_tree() -> void: stats_func = null, but doest work either. so pls tell me what should i do.
30 time (run current scene f16) , the one give warning 25/30 warning, the other one 0/30 warning

this node give the warning

class_name Player_ND extends CharacterBodyEntity_ND 
var stats_func : EntityStatsBaseFuncRes = EntityStatsBaseFuncRes.new()
func _ready() -> void:

this one dont give warning

class_name Mob_Node extends CharacterBodyEntity_ND
var stats_func : EntityStatsBaseFuncRes = EntityStatsBaseFuncRes.new()
func _ready() -> void:

and this the cause the warning
in this Resouce, dont have any node, all just calculate value.
class_name EntityStatsBaseFuncRes extends Resource
class_name GbFunc extends Resource
GbFunc, just static func, to calculate value, like func sum_all_value_in_arr( array) -> float
this the error and bunch of orphan

WARNING: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).
     at: cleanup (core/object/object.cpp:2284)
Leaked instance: GDScriptNativeClass:9223372053128676140
Leaked instance: GDScript:9223372066986657055 - Resource path: res://Entity/base/stats func/StatFunc.gd
Leaked instance: GDScript:9223372069318690082 - Resource path: res://GlobalRes/GbFunc.gd
Hint: Leaked instances typically happen when nodes are removed from the scene tree (with `remove_child()`) but not freed (with `free()` or `queue_free()`).
ERROR: 2 resources still in use at exit.
   at: clear (core/io/resource.cpp:599)
Resource still in use: res://Entity/base/stats func/StatFunc.gd (GDScript)
Resource still in use: res://GlobalRes/GbFunc.gd (GDScript).```

This question is out of my element but after reading a bit I am offering a guess.
First I read that since the class EntityStatsBaseFuncRes derives from Resource it should clean itself up.

To delete an Object instance, call free. This is necessary for most classes inheriting Object, because they do not manage memory on their own, and will otherwise cause memory leaks when no longer in use. There are a few classes that perform memory management. For example, RefCounted (and by extension Resource) deletes itself when no longer referenced, and Node deletes its children when freed.

So then I read that quit() does not send notification that the program is terminating.
You need to send that yourself:
get_tree().root.propagate_notification(NOTIFICATION_WM_CLOSE_REQUEST) get_tree().quit()

I’ve been struggling with this bug in my main, big project for a while, and for me, using that didn’t help either. I still haven’t found a solution even after trying to solve this for weeks, so if anything new comes up I’d love to know.