Why is my player colliding with the enemies?


In my game I want the player to not be able to collide with enemies, so I used the collision layers. But in the end, instead of passing through enemies, the player is dragging them when the collision layers are set correctly. I found out that the original enemy from which the rest are inherited, is passed through correctly by the player, but I don’t know how to make the child enemies also have this behavior. All enemies are inherited by the same node and script and theres not much changing with the original in them.
Edit: aparently I have to redo all enemies and the problem is fixed ???

Yes, the values set in the base scene only mark the initial values. Any scene inheriting from it can override them later, in which case changing the values in the base scene won’t affect the values in the scene inheriting from it anymore.

Well, that depends on what you mean by “redo all enemies”, but: Yeah, if the values in your inherited scene differ from those in your base scene, you have to fix that manually. It is worth noting, however, that you can change the value of a property in the base, and then simply reset that property to its default (which is sourced from the base) by clicking the “recycle” button next to it in the inspector.

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