Why my mob still slide, and how to make mob avoid wall?

Godot Version



how can i make mob not to slide, i want it to avoind the wall.
i try to avoid it using steering. can someone tell me what i did wrong?

extends CharacterBody2D
@onready var ray_cast_2d: RayCast2D = $RayCast2D

@export var navi : NavigationAgent2D
@export var max_speed = 100
#@export var steer_force = 1.1
@export var look_ahead = 30
@export var anim : AnimationTree

@export var num_rays = 8

# context array
var ray_directions = []
var interest = []
var danger = []

var chosen_dir = Vector2.ZERO
@export var acceleration : float = 10

var mouse_pos : Vector2
var ray_arr : Array[RayCast2D]

var desired_dir : Vector2
var desired_dir_with_speed : Vector2
var steer : Vector2 
@export var mass : float 

var new_navi_dir : Vector2

func _ready():
	for i in num_rays:
		var angle = (i *2 *PI / num_rays) 
		ray_directions[i] = Vector2.RIGHT.rotated(angle)
		var _new_ray : RayCast2D = RayCast2D.new()
		_new_ray.target_position = Vector2.RIGHT.rotated( angle ) * look_ahead
		add_child( _new_ray)
		ray_arr.append( _new_ray )

func _physics_process(delta):
	anim.set("parameters/walk/blend_position", desired_dir)
	#velocity = velocity.move_toward( chosen_dir * max_speed , 10 )

func _process(delta: float) -> void:
func _draw() -> void:
	draw_circle( desired_dir_with_speed ,5 , Color.ALICE_BLUE)
	draw_circle( velocity ,5 , Color.ALICE_BLUE)
	draw_line( to_local(position), velocity , Color.GREEN , 4)
	draw_line( to_local(position), desired_dir_with_speed , Color.AQUA , 4)
	draw_line( velocity  , desired_dir_with_speed  , Color.BLUE , 4)

func seek_steering():
	desired_dir = chosen_dir#( mouse_pos - global_position ).normalized()
	desired_dir_with_speed  = desired_dir * max_speed
	steer  =  (desired_dir_with_speed - velocity) / mass
	velocity = velocity.move_toward(velocity + steer  , acceleration )#velocity + steer + chosen_dir +

func set_interest():
	for i in num_rays:
		var dir_to_target :Vector2 = new_navi_dir#mouse_pos - global_position
		var normalize_it : Vector2 = dir_to_target.normalized()
		var dot_p : float = normalize_it.dot( ray_directions[i] )
		interest[i] = max(0,dot_p)

func set_danger():
	# Cast rays to find danger directions
	var space_state = get_world_2d().direct_space_state
	for i in num_rays:
		if ray_arr[i].get_collider() != null:
			danger[i] = 1.0 
		else :
			danger[i] = 0.0
func choose_direction():
	# Eliminate interest in slots with danger
	for i in num_rays:
		if danger[i] > 0.0:
			interest[i] = 0.0
	# Choose direction based on remaining interest
	chosen_dir = Vector2.ZERO
	for i in num_rays:
		chosen_dir += ray_directions[i] * interest[i]
	chosen_dir = chosen_dir.normalized()
######################################################## navi

func navi_dir():
	var new_dir : Vector2 = to_local( navi.get_next_path_position()).normalized()
	#var distance_to_player : float = mouse_pos.distance_to( global_position )
	new_navi_dir = new_dir
	#input_nd.new_move_dir_facing_pos( new_dir)

func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
	if event.is_action_pressed("L_mouse"):
		mouse_pos = get_global_mouse_position()
		navi.target_position = mouse_pos

I don’t understand what you want your character to do that it isn’t?

I take it you want want the character to follow the mouse while avoiding obstacles?

Is it moving through obstacles, or not moving at all?

character cant moving through obstacles if they have path to mouse. but they keep slide along with wall if the path is need to them … it posible to make them to move away from wall?
i want character to move in red arrow position

I am not as familiar with navagent2d as astar2d. However, if you are using a tilemap you could create two layers for floor, one which is your prefered path(aka not next to walls) the second is next to walls. When you get your move path before iterating over it you check the first tile if it is in layer next to wall you search the next point in array to get the direction the enemy is moving, then manually move the unit in the same direction along prefered path.