Godot Version
I have a world scene:
and a hud scene:
in the player script i want to acces the shader parameters from speedlines in the hud scene i looked throught the topics but i could not find an answer
I have a world scene:
and a hud scene:
in the player script i want to acces the shader parameters from speedlines in the hud scene i looked throught the topics but i could not find an answer
TIP: Doesn’t make any sense to mix PascalCase
and snake_case
, you should stop that.
You need to reference the HUD scene in the World scene somehow.
# Replace this with whatever method you want to get the node.
@onready var speedlines = get_tree().root.get_node("Hud/SpeedLines")
Then you can set the shader parameters
Something like this:
if speedlines.material is ShaderMaterial:
speedlines.material.set_shader_parameter("speed", 10.0)
i just moved it into the same scene because it would return a null value now it works
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