I am trying to make a enemy shoot a bullet, and it works fine with add_child(), but it just does not work at all with add_sibling.
I put a piece of code in the bullet scene,
And apparently, if I use add child, boom, a thousand output messages, but if I use add_sibling… silence, not even a error shows up.
does anybody know anything about this?
No errors, no warnings, I changed the original project by a bit and somehow it works, but I still don’t know why so I am right now trying to figure out why add_sibling sometimes act like pass in a test project.
I figured it out. In my original project, I had tons of errors due to this specific error:
The parameter “delta” is never used in the function “_process()”. If this is intended, prefix it with an underscore: “_delta”.
Since I’m still a newbie game developer, I only really noticed errors that made the game crash, and I totally ignored the errors from the debugger.
Apparently, add_sibling() only works after a certain amount of time of the node existing, so if you use add_sibling() in the ready() function without any delay, you get no sibling, and only this error
E 0:00:05:0439 add_printer.gd:8 @ _ready(): Parent node is busy setting up children, add_sibling() failed. Consider using add_sibling.call_deferred(sibling) instead.
When I thought of errors I only thought of game crashes XD