Can't shoot laser I Space Invaders

Godot Version


The sitiation

I was making a space invaders game but I can’t make the player shoot laser

Player script

extends CharacterBody2D

const SPEED = 110

var laser = preload("res://Scenes/laser.tscn")

func shoot():

func _physics_process(delta):
	var direction = Input.get_vector("move_left", "move_right", "move_up", "move_down")
	position += direction * SPEED * delta
	if Input.is_action_pressed("Shot"):

Laser script

extends Area2D

const SPEED = 130 

func _physics_process(delta):
	position.y += -SPEED * delta

I can’t figuer it out alone. If someone can healp I be thankful.

You still have to add the laser to the scene. Add this line of code after laser.instantiate():

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Invalid type in function ‘add_child’ in base ‘CharacterBody2D (’. The Object-derived class of argument 1 (PackedScene) is not a subclass of the expected argument class.

I added the line and got this erro :upside_down_face:

Replace laser.instantiate() with var new_laser = laser.instantiate(), then replace add_child(laser) with add_child(new_laser).

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That fix the not spaning plobem thaks.

Now I have a new problem:

the lazer is afected by the player movement :gdparty:

I am going to try to fix that by my on and come back if I am cluless

That’s my fault, too.

new_laser is added as a child of the parent, which in this case is the player scene. It should be added as a child of what is likely called your ‘world’ scene.

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