Change scene variables instanciated from tilemap

Godot Version



Im working on a level editor and have scenes as tiles on a tilemap. Is there a way to get a scene at a specific position and call a method from it or should i just switch to regular scenes?

now I have solved something similar for myself. I used the tilemap as a list of entities for faster editing of the objects on the map and when starting the level the entities are replaced by scenes…

check here if it’s something similar:

so yes it can be done, but I’m still using version 3.5.3

You still cant edit variable from the scenes and have them be saved in the tilemap, though.

I can, it’s just a matter of concept, and it’s also true that I don’t have it as a plugin but as a runtime…
in the editor I don’t need to define a variable, these are defined by the entity list which is stored in TileSet

it is important to understand what is meant by entity. once you define it and save it to TileMap, it has its variables already set and you don’t need to change them, because you have another entity ready with its values…

I just wanted to suggest that what you want to do is possible, but your case is different because you have it as an editor, so I guess you do it through tool ? the only way to do it there is to make it a plugin, and invoke the cell plugin menu which will read the variables from the scene to be replaced.

for example, this is one scene.tscn and its variables stored as entity tiles:

erm, what the sigma