Godot Version
I am trying to make healthbar for my player using texture progress bar and I have given the progress a simple white sprite because what I want is that I want to change its color through script by changing the tint_progress color value based on the current value of the progress. following is my code for progress bar
extends TextureProgressBar
@onready var player = %Player
func _ready():
func changeProgressValue(MAX_value,cur_value):
value = cur_value/MAX_value * 100
tint_progress = Color(200,value*2,0,255)
But nothing is happening. I don’t know why but when write 100 instead of value in the Color() the color is changed. But I want to change it dynamically.
Also, my value is starting from 100 all the way to 0. and tint color by default is (200,200,0,255).
and I also have checked the tint value by printing it on console when ever value changes and it does change.
One more thing that I have checked the value it is always integer I also checked by using ceil function.
Any ideas?