Combat/Weapon Collisions Not Detected, Even Upon Physical Collision

Godot Version



Here’s a video example of what’s happening:

Basically, even if two collision boxes physically collide, the collision doesn’t seem to “count.” The collisions tracking weapon hits are characterbody3ds parented to different bones on the respective characters to allow them to move with the animations (don’t mind how janky they are). The monster’s fist is also the same. The player’s weapon is a staticbody3d-- wanted to make it an animatable body but it gets stuck in the ground upon pickup :sob: .
What’s interesting to me is that the player’s weapon sometimes counts/works, but I can’t seem to figure out the pattern of why. The monster’s fists don’t work, no matter how large I make the hitboxes. The masks/layers are all correct, so I’m truly at a loss here.